An irregular jaw position can impact a person’s ability to perform fundamental actions such as eating, speaking and breathing, as well as their facial appearance. An irregular bite may also lead destructive wear of teeth and gums.
Corrective jaw surgery (otherwise known as Orthognathic surgery) can be performed to improve the position of the jaws. This leads to improvements in function and in facial appearance. Opting for this sort of surgery could be for medical, functional or personal reasons.
Common facial features associated with an irregular jaw position include
A “weak” lower jaw or chin
A prominent lower jaw or chin
A “gummy smile” (showing too much teeth and gums)
An “edentulous look” (not showing enough teeth)
An anterior open bite (front teeth not touching when back teeth are fully closed)
Inability to fully close lips together without straining (also known as lip incompetence)
Asymmetry of the face
Corrective jaw surgery is performed in conjunction with orthodontic treatment (braces or aligners) to optimally correct the bite and achieve good facial balance. As such your Orthodontist and Surgeon will act as a team to get the best possible result for you. Traditionally surgery is performed after an initial phase of orthodontics. However, in some cases surgery can be performed immediately prior to commencing orthodontic treatment.